Jamuna kinare

Ragam: Madhuvanti Thalam: Adi

Arohanam : N3 S M2 G2 M2 P N3 S
Avarohanam: N3 SN2 D P M2 G2 SR2 S

jamunA kinArE pyArE kadamb tare mOhan basurI bajAvE sakhi kuNj bhavan me (jamunA)

mOrE piccH galE mAl makarAkrta kundal makutAdik bhUshan sObha dEt tan mE (jamunA)

padmanAbhdInabandhu mErO tApa hArO prabhu-gOpInAth giridhar rAjO mErE manMe (jamunA)


Dear Friend!  Mohan is playing his flute on the banks of Jamuna, standing beneath the Kadamba tree in the arbor. He sports peacock feather necklaces, ear pendants of the form of Makara fish, a crown, and other jewels on his shining form.  Oh Lord Padmanabha, the friend of helpless ones, Please remove my misery.  May Lord Gopinath, Giridhar reside in my heart.